Diet pop culture: FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT.

Another one from my homeslices at Everything is Terrible. Because I luff them.

Includes an offensive Mr. Yunioshi-style cameo of a “Chinese” waiter, holy shit.

Try adding some fat to your fat — you’ll be so fat, you might just fat yourself.






6 responses to “Diet pop culture: FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT.”

  1. Kelly Avatar

    Hello. How are you doing? Oh, by the way. I just about PISSED MYSELF LAUGHING!!!

    1. Michelle Avatar

      *hands you a washcloth*

  2. Carolyn Avatar

    Haha, I was doing pretty good until I read the comments, then I snorted water out my nose! (laugh)

    Amazingly that is only one infomercial like that and how many times did we hear fat used as a shaming word? (did anyone have the stomach to count? :-/ )

    Makes you wonder how many times we hear it and don’t even realize it through out the day.

  3. June Avatar

    That was so fat that I fatted myfat. I mean, myself.

  4. Gin Avatar

    Thanks for making my day!

  5. aquana Avatar

    FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT. Holy shit, that was awesome!