Category: Humane Nutrition

  • You don’t have to figure out the universal truth of nutrition.

    When I speak with clients, a theme that often comes up is the question of what is true and what is false in nutrition. Yesterday, an article about the demonization of fat made headlines, and along with it, whipped up that familiar confusion about nutrition and people asking a very familiar question: what is actually…

  • Good food, bad food, and subversive food combining.

    The idea that there are universally “good” foods and “bad” foods is an old one, ancient even. There are traces of it in Leviticus, though the way the concept was used then is perhaps different from how we use it now.* Given what we know about clinical nutrition, that sometimes a startling mix of foods…

  • Feeling safe around food again.

    When you haven’t been fed enough, either as a kid, or as an adult for a significant period of time, the fear of going hungry kind of seeps into you. It starts to change your behaviour around food and eating. All of this is your body’s way of making sure it gets fed. This is…

  • I’m on a semi-starvation diet, why am I so hungry?

    Today, I have another reader question shared by Mealtime Hostage. I’ve cut my portions to 1/2 of what I would usually eat (or) I’m trying to stay at 1200 calories a day but I’m soooo hungry! Of course you’re hungry! You’re eating less than you need, and your body is poking you, trying to get…

  • Part 3: Offering yourself new foods.

    This is the third part of my very long-winded response to a reader question forwarded to me from Mealtime Hostage. It didn’t really hit me until I wrote the second post in this series a few days ago, but there’s a huge part of my work that I never blog about: I work with a…