Category: Unified Theory

  • Why I write so much about immortality, significance, and injustice.

    In the past couple of years, I’ve been more active on Twitter than here. But I miss being here. I want to round up my notes and do a little explaining. What follows are links to threads that seem relevant: Where I linked Terror Management Theory to diet culture (more) explicitly (than before.) This was…

  • Diet culture and immortality.

    I know it’s been quiet (TOO quiet) around here lately. What can I say? I’ve been working my face off. I did write something for The Atlantic, though, after a good long period of grumpy hermiting. Here’s a good chunk, in case you want a sample before committing to a click: The act of ingestion…

  • When health is not on your side.

    This post is part of the crowdfunding campaign for my dietetic internship. It is not intended to replace advice from a doctor or other health care practitioner. It represents my opinion alone and not any organization of which I am a member. Dear Michelle, How can one achieve Health at Every Size if they don’t…

  • Stuff people assume I believe vs. stuff I actually believe.

    French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. This post has been sitting in drafts for several weeks, but I figured now was as good a time as any to actually publish it. 1) That the food industry is AWESOME. In one sense, industrialized food production is an amazing thing that allows an unprecedented…

  • Food and exercise are not matter and anti-matter.

    French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. How often do you hear someone say they need to “work off breakfast,” or that they spoiled their workout by eating some calorific food afterward? I hear it quite a bit, and it always bothers me. Let me count the ways. First of all, reducing food…