Category: Fatness

  • We deserve to look like ourselves.

    One day a while ago, my husband asked me, “Why do you have three-thousand pictures of yourself on your hard drive?” This was not an easy question to answer. A little background: From the time I was about nine, I was told almost daily by my peers that I was unforgivably ugly. During childhood, for…

  • What I’m saying, and what I’m not saying.

    Since people seem to be awfully confused. What I am saying: “Weight loss interventions have very low permanent success rates for most people.” What I’m not saying: “No one in history has ever lost weight permanently in a healthy manner.” Health At Every Size is, fundamentally, a weight-neutral approach, which means it focuses directly on…

  • Health at Every Size is not fat politics.

    Despite all the words I have spent on this topic over the past decade or so, there are still a lot of misunderstandings about what Health at Every Size is and what it isn’t. People often conflate the Health at Every Size philosophy with the fat political movement, assuming they are one and the same…

  • The third option.

    Cross-posted to Shameless. Two days ago, there were rumblings. First, I heard that the American Medical Association’s science council had advised them against declaring “obesity” a disease. My initial feeling was one of mild surprise – hadn’t they declared it a disease already? I honestly didn’t know, but given the way our culture and our…

  • On debates and comments and exhaustion.

    I’ve never published an official comments policy, because it always seemed kind of an unnecessary thing to do. I mean, obviously this is my website, so what I say goes, and if I don’t like a comment, I don’t have to publish it. End of story. Pretty self-explanatory, right? It gets fuzzy at times. I…