Month: March 2010

  • Mini-editorials on obesity/HAES.

    Reader closetpuritan sent me this link to a series of mini-editorials in the New York Times. Our friends Harriet Brown and Ellyn Satter are among them, along with confused crusader Kelly Brownell (I’m sure he’s perfectly lovely, really.) And, in comments, the always-amusing Ms. M. Roth! I’m having a catching-up-on-email day, so I should be…

  • Watch me eat a Cadbury Creme Egg.

  • Saying goodbye to my waist.

    This is going to be a rambly, self-indulgent, stream-of-consciousness kind of post, so I apologize in advance. But it recently occurred to me that I have been in a long, gradual process of saying goodbye to my waist. I’ll explain. As a teenager, I was never thin. I passed for mostly normal (with a big…

  • An open letter to my inbox.

    Dear anyone who has emailed me recently, I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you. For some reason, my inbox has seen a torrential avalanche of activity lately. (And a mixed metaphor, apparently.) I want to respond to you, particularly to anyone who’s struggling and needed to ask a question. And I will get back…

  • Getting good at eating.

    When I was recovering from dieting, I was terribly conflicted about how to eat. I went through a period where I ate chocolate by the box, and then stopped paying attention to nutrition entirely for several years, because it was too fraught for me. Eventually, I got to the point where I alternated between undereating…